University Park Elementary
Central Florida STEM for Kids is proud to partner with University Park Elementary! Each of the three sixth grade classes learned to program a rover and maneuver through an obstacle course. This activity was a great opportunity for students to receive a hands-on experience with a rover prior to their field trip to NASA Kennedy Space Center.
The first event was held on November 1st, 2019. Students realized the importance of accurate measurements and commands for success with the activity. It was enjoyable working with this diverse and excited group of children!
The second event at University Park Elementary was hosted on November 6, 2019. Although the groups in this class initially had difficulties with measurements, unit conversions, and programming, most of the students stayed focused and dedicated to the activity.
The final programming rovers event was held on November 22nd, 2019. The students learned basic skills that were required to code, such as measurements, addition, instructions for turning left/right, and preparing sound files. At the end of the activity, we discussed applications and opportunities in the field of engineering as well as the importance of education.